Serrapeptase, For Pain and Inflammation
This natural enzyme is effective in reducing pain, particularly in joints/arthritis. It helps reduce inflammation, both locally and systemically, relieving symptoms: redness, swelling/stiffness, pain, heat. Great for acute and severe chronic pain conditions such as with arthritis, sinus, dental or post surgery pain.
Serrapeptase is a natural enzyme that effectively reduces pain, inflammation, as well as mucous build-up. Whether symptoms stem from injury, surgery, or disease such as arthritis or sinusitis, its action disrupts pain pathways and restores your body’s persistent inflammatory response to reduce swelling and improve circulation. This productive and efficient “miracle” enzyme can easily bring comfort and relief for better health.
The Miracle Enzyme
Everyone experiences pain. But whether from an injury or disease as we age, pain can be debilitating and limit our freedom. Serrapeptase works in different ways by inhibiting a chemical our body produces during injury or chronic inflammation to block pain, restoring our normal tolerance to pain, reducing the resulting inflammation, and breaking down mucous that occurs in sinusitis. This enzyme has many applications when pain is experienced. Enerex Serrapeptase uses a high activity enzyme for greater effectiveness and our special Delayed Release capsule protects the enzyme from destruction by stomach acid to ensure you get the relief you require.
What do a stuffy nose, an infection and post-operative swelling have in common? They’re all initially caused by inflammation.
Our bodies have a love-hate relationship with inflammation: it is a natural response necessary to protect the body and aid the healing process, but it also causes pain and swelling, mucous build-up, and increases the symptoms of infections such as redness, burning and heat. Excessive inflammation in the body can also limit joint function, destroy bone, and lead to heart and nervous system trouble.
180 DR caps of 120 SU = $44.99